This part of my blog was very popular last week. I will try and get it up by Sunday each week. What is interesting is, all the bidding seems to take place Friday and Saturday as the new auctions are listed, and then nothing till the following Friday when the auctions are ending. In the 5 days in between, nothing really moves. So you have plenty of time to think and strategize.
You might also note that my pricing estimates were pretty good last week. Most notably with the Voyager hero costumes which all went under $ 1,500 as I predicted. The Romulan Senate robes

This week is a Deep Space Nine week with lots of great costumes from all the key cast members. I like when It's a Wrap does this on one hand, because it adds a nice theme and if you are a fan of a particular show like I am (I am a huge DS9 fan) you get to see much of what is out there.
Sisko Commando style Uniform
The top item so far is Sisko's commando style vest and uniform. Don't ask me why they call it that, but that is the name it has gotten (probably because of Christie's, which auctioned off the Picard). This was seen on Sisko in "In the Pale Moonlight" maybe one of the best DS9 episodes, where Sisko, working with the deliciously devious Garark, brings the Romulans into the war against the Dominion. If it wasn't for the fact that I already have the Sisko Black and Grey Command uniform I won at Christie's, and my best collecting friend wants it, I would go after it. Nice piece, but not as desirable as a complete uniform I think. If it had the Jacket to go with it it would be a gem. None the less, a nice piece from my favorite Captain.
Klingon Costume

There is also a female Klingon costume, which is certainly rarer. I would hesitate on this one, because it has no boots. Of course, this doesn't have the big cleavage that Lursa and Betor's costume did either! But if you are inclined to a female Klingon costume, this might be it. Don't go over $ 2,000 on this one. There are certainly more, and maybe better ones to come.

Other costumes
Well, there are costume of all the DS9 regulars, including a Garak, which strangely never showed up at Christie's. Bashir, Dax, O'Brien, Quark, Rom, Leeta, Kira, they are all here. As well as lesser known characters such as Quark and Rom's mom! DS9 fans should have fun this week. But remember: There are more where these came from. Multiples of each Star Fleet uniform are to be expected, so don't go too high!

There is also a Romulan Disruptor Rifle, which is very nice, but could go high. The one at Christie's went for $2,000, but I would expect a $1,200 sale price here. Fortunately there is no reserve on this one. It is made of resin, which is important. Resin is a hard plastic that doesn't deform of degrade. There is a Romulan Disruptor Pistol also this week, but it is foam rubber. These weapons will tend to crack and the finish winds up looking crappy, so I always stay away from them unless you get them cheap.
The Cardassian Circuit Panels went for $2,600 at Christie's, but should be a third of that this time. I mention Christie's prices as the high end of the spectrum. Items are generally going for 1/3 - 1/2 of what they went for at Christie's due to the smaller population of bidders here. I think this piece looks good and will display well. If you get it under $800, I think it is a good deal.
If you are a DS9 fan, then the O'Brien and Bashir Dart Set is a great item. This is a piece we saw time and again in the show and helps define the relationship between the two DS9 crew members. A good deal at anything under $700.
Well, it should be an interesting week, though with no block buster costumes or props. DS9 fans will be happy (as I am) and should get something they like at a reasonable price. The beauty of these auctions is that there is so much stuff, you just need to be patient, and you will get what you want cheap.
Feel free to email me with questions or post a comment here! PLEASE include your email if you post a comment here if you want a response, as I don't always want to respond to individual questions on the Blog.
Good hunting!
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