The prize item of the week was Captain Kirk's Commando costume. As I noted in my Week 8 preview, this had the wrong undershirt, no belt and no boots. Surprisingly, it went for $ 6,253. At Christie's this costume (without the undershirt) went for $ 3,000 before Buyer's Premium. The fact that it was the first Kirk item to sell on the IAW auctions was surely significant. I think the price was a bit high, but always factors such as who is bidding, is it to complete a collection etc., skew those issues.
The Kirk climbing costume is a similar item. The one at Christie's had both climbing boots and the talc bag. It went for $ 3,000. Here, a less complete one, without boots or the bag, went for $ 3,366.

I like the Dr. Crusher Naval costume from Star Trek: Generations (a very under-rated movie). I think this went on the high side compared to what these went for at Christie's, but none the less, it is a good deal as it will make a beautiful display.
The Captain Picard "Tapestry" distressed uniform deserves special mention as that is simply one of the best TNG episodes. Picard gets to relieve the fateful days at the academy when he got in a fight that left him with an artificial heart. He learns s very valuable lesson and changes for it. If you don't learn to not have any regrets in your life after watching this episode, you need to get your head examined! A nice costume that has deep meaning. I gave this my buy of the week.
I also like Ensign Ro's jumpsuit at $ 1,820.83. I bid on this, but had to stay within a budget and so I let it go. A very nice costume for one of my favorite characters. It should look great on display as that red looks great in person.
Starfleet uniform jumpsuits from TNG settled into the $ 7-800 range. I think they are good buys for the average Star Trek fan/collector. You are getting a real piece of Star Trek history at a great price. Shopping for bargains is getting easier as people realize how much stuff there is and prices fall. 57 items went for under $ 400 this week, including Kyle Riker's Anbo-Jyutsu uniform at $ 395 and the Traveler's costume at $ 232! These are memorable costumes at bargain prices!
This week's Awards:
Best Item of the Week: Captain Picard "Tapestry" Jacket (The Kirk was incomplete and with the wrong shirt, this item is from one of the best TNG episodes)
Best Buy of the week: Uhura Commando Costume $ 999.89 This was complete with boots which are hard to find. A steal!
Worst Buy of the week: Counselor Troi Casual Costume $ 3,005. Way too much for a basic costume.
Sleeper of the Week: Vice Admiral top $ 610 A rare piece at a great price.
Star Trek V Kirk Field Duty Uniform $ 6,253
Star Trek V Spock Camping Costume $ 3,405
Star Trek V Kirk Climbing Costume $ 3,366
Star Trek V McCoy Commando Costume $ 3,363
TNG Dr. Crusher Uniform and Lab Coat $ 3,250
Special thanks to Aaron Carlson, who every week, compiles all the stats on that week's auctions.
And what did I win this week?
Well, first the Uhura Commando outfit. Yeah, I gave myself an award for this, but it was a steal! I will post a photo when I get this to show off the boots. I also won the Star Trek III Special Services Costume, which is truly beautiful and VERY rare (and has the first belt we have seen on these costumes).
As always, good hunting!

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