How is this for getting the results up fast? Under an hour after the auctions ended! Well, I have a wedding tomorrow and an event Sunday, so no time to work on it this weekend.

The T'Pol Blue Civilian Jumpsuit went for a stunning $ 6,501! Now this is listed as a stunt costume as the costume tag reads Bonnie Yanagisawa who is a prolific Hollywood stunt woman. Why the high bids? Well, the winning bidder (who is a very nice guy who has bought some of the Enterprise props I have had for sale) doesn't let price get in the way of what he wants. Obviously, the under bidder felt the same way! But it is a beautiful costume, and will look great on a mannequin (much better than a hanger form as I often use). Some costume require mannequins, and this is one. So a record for an Enterprise costume!
I won the The Breen Atmosphere Armor and am very happy about getting it at $ 3,616. I am a huge DS9 fan and so this will go well in my collection. Plus it is an amazing costume that looks great. I told my buddy before the auction, that I would be happy getting this costume around $ 3,500, so all ended well.
The Dimitri Valtane costume sold for a very healthy $ 2,875. The last complete one of these went for $ 2,950, so this is a very consistent price and a good deal. These are very iconic, display well and are the goal of many a Star Trek collector! I know the winner and he is a very happy man now!

The T'pol's After Hours Wear didn't get bid up past the $ 2,749 it was at on Wednesday. Now, who the hell thought a pair of PJs was worth this, I don't know. I don't even want to know what the winner is going to do with these and I don't want to know! :-)
I also won the The Orange Feature Style Engineering Suit for $ 1,715. Now I won one of these back in December, and at the time I thought it was rare, but this is the fourth one that has sold, and the cheapest. Mine didn't have the collar, the center chest insert, or a helmet. I subsequently got a black collar from a friend who won a white one at Christie's (they came with two collars), so it is nice, but this one has better gloves, the chest insert and a helmet. So, if you want one of these at a great price, let me know!
The Feature Style Crewman Uniform set a record for this type of uniform at $ 1,625. It does have the original belt, which the previous ones, that all sold in the $800-900 range, did not.
I said that the The Commander Tucker costume should go about $ 1,000 and it went for $ 1,006!
The Archer Away Team Jacket though distressed went for a reasonable $ 1,370. Both good deals I think. Note that I am often asked how to buy on a budget, and I think if you can live with a distressed piece (some people prefer them as having seen real "action") then there are a load of great deals in the $ 800-1,000 range.

I said I liked the Dr. Phlox Cold Weather Costume and it really jumped in the last minute from about $ 250 to $ 1,250.29. I think a lot of people had their eye on this one. Still a great deal for a nice costume with lots of accessories.
Finally, there were some beautiful civilian clothes, and I admit, the week wasn't as bad as I first thought if you look at the quality of the civilian and non-uniform character wear. I won the Tuvok Civilian Outfit because it was a beautiful piece and very reasonable at $ 515. The Reed as a Suliban costume is beautiful as well and went for only $ 517. Also the Doctor/Tom Paris Smoking Jacket was a steal at $ 390. What beautiful fabric! Dana, you will look good lounging about in this with your pipe!
So I think if you want a nice costume of your favorite character on a budget, look at the low priced costumes each week and really look at the photos and close ups.
As far as props go:

I liked the Enterprise Agony Booth Controls which ended at $ 920 and would have bid fo r them if I hadn't gotten cleaned out with my 3 previous purchases! These are very cool and will look great if displayed right. (put them on the wall next to your gym!)
The Glass Bajoran Panel sold at $ 759 and I think this was a smoking deal. If you looked at the photos, especially of the close ups, you saw how beautiful the piece is. I really wanted to go after this, but had pretty much blown the week's budget on 3 costumes already! The winner will find this is an absolutely beautiful piece and I congratulate them.

The Enterprise Dr. Soong's Lesson PADD went for a reasonable $ 739. This is the type of prop you should be looking for if you are budget minded, as it has great historical significance in the Star Trek universe and sold at a reasonable price.
The Enterprise Lantern went for $ 539, which is about right. A nice prop that will look good just about anywhere. Hopefully it works too!
The Voyager Non-Humanoid Creature at $ 510 was reasonable for such a prop.
The Alien PADD went for $ 373 which was a smoking deal! A great buy for someone who was bidding smart.
So here are some awards for the week:

Best Prop of the Week: I really liked the Bajoran Glass Panel. Beautiful work and the winner got a gem.
Best Buy of the week: Travis Mayweather Desert Wear. $717.53....a steal! It comes with a pip and the Enterprise Shoulder Patch!!!
Worst Buy of the week: Tough call with a stunt suit going for $ 6,501, but still, T'pol's After Hours Wear at $ 2,749 is ridiculous.
Sleeper of the Week: The Bajoran Glass Panel at $ 759. This should have gone over $ 1,000 as it is simply beautiful. This is the first ever double award winner! (and the first time I have used a photo in both the preview and the results as it is worth seeing it again).

And here are some prices realized:
T'Pol Blue Civilian Jumpsuit $ 6,501
The Breen Atmosphere Armor $ 3,616
Dimitri Valtane costume $ 2,875
T'pol's After Hours Wear $ 2,749
Romulan System Display Screen $ 1,775
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