The Ensign Demora Sulu uniform was a surpise at $ 4,404. But I think this was the highest Maroon (outside of the Admiral Cartwright) because it was complete and from a key character (and Sulu's daughter!). I was outbid on this even though I really wanted it, because I was caught off guard by the high price. A great buy indeed!

The other Maroon was the Lt. Castillo Uniform from "Yesterday's Enterprise". This was a tough one because it was pieced together, but none the less very nice. It went for $ 3,800 which was strong as well. These are becoming very popular if the amount of discussion on the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum is any indication. It will be interesting to see how many more pop up.
The Lt. Comm. La Forge uniform went for a very strong $ 3,676, and included a foam Phaser and holster (one piece) and the belt from "Yesterday's Enterprise". It also had pips on the collar. I am surprised this went that high, but the additions certainly helped.
The Data Distressed uniform jacket at $ 3,051 was a shocker and I think way overpriced. Granted it was from a well known episode, but still, it is just a jacket and has a big hole in it!
The Star Trek V Spock Commando Stunt Uniform went for a very strong $ 2,616. This was a combination of stunt and Nimoy costumes and came with two undershirts. Sadly, no belt or boots.
The Star Trek V Captain Kirk Commando Uniform went for half that at $ 1,231. Now this was totally a stunt costume. But at this price a great deal I think for a Kirk costume.
The White Radiological Suit was really nice and complete. It went for a reasonable $ 2,550 considering all that the costume entailed. I hope there are more of these because I would like one.

The Orange Radiological Suit is much rarer, and was a steal at only $ 860, less than half of what they have been going for!
The Chakotay Dress Unform went for a decent $ 2,226. These are nice and certainly rare as there were very few made of each, maybe even only one or two copies. This one even had the Maquis provisional rank strip.
The Bashir Starfleet Dress Uniform went for a very cheap $ 1,450. A great deal for all the reasons above.
The Star Trek IV Spock Whale tank Swimwear went for $ 2,092. Strong for a swimsuit, but important none the less and such a great scene in Star Trek IV.
The Doctor Crusher Uniform went for a reasonable $ 2,000 which was way less than last times $ 3,250. I think main character costumes like this one at this price are very reasonable.
I was totally fired up to win the Carol Marcus costume. It is gorgeous and was something I wanted at Christie's, but my buddy Andy wanted it badly and so when this one popped up last week, I was very happy to snag it. I paid what I consider a very reasonable $ 1,905. I think this is an important and very recognizable costume and came complete with shoes even.
The TNG Admiral Uniform went for $ 1,715, which was a lot for an Admiral's uniform, but not surprising in that it was the nicest one we have seen. I think this was quite reasonable considering how nice it

The Ensign Ro Uniform was a great deal at only $ 1,651. If I had known it would go this cheap I would have bid on it as this is on my list of costume I want. These display very well and the color is striking.
The Worf and Alexander Mok'Bara costumes and Bat'Leth at $ 1,228 was an awesome deal and I think people overlooked this one (thus it gets my Sleeper of the Week). Two costumes, including a Bat'Leth all for $ 1,228.
Star Trek: The Motion Picture Uniforms
The Tan Class D Uniform Jumpsuit went for $ 785 and was well worth it a sthis wa sthe nicest TMP costume this week. These look great on display and are made of a very heavy fabric so are pretty durable. It went much cheaper than I guessed, and so I think the buyer scored here!
The Gray Class D Starbase Uniform Jumpsuit went insanely cheap at $ 405, but it appeared faded and so this might be why.
The Brown Class D Earthbase Uniform Jumpsuit went for only $ 600! I love these costumes and now wish I had bid on them as at this level they are all great deals! Quite beautiful.
The Brown Class C Uniform went cheap at $ 666! I am not sure if the bottom has fallen out of TMP background costumes or what, but these were all great deals!
As far as the props go...

The First Contact Starfleet Mark III Type 1 Phaser Rifle "EVA" Rifle was a rubber stunt version and at $ 2,250 a fair deal for a very desirable and rare version of the beloved Phaser Rifle. It went stronger than I thought, but I can't fault the buyer as this is the hardest version to find.
Captain Picard's Smashed Phaser Rifle went for a strong $ 2,009. A bunch of my buddies liked this one as it was clearly from the final scenes in Nemesis aboard the Scimitar when Picard cracks it.

The Nemesis Phaser Rifle went for $ 1,625, which was where I thought it would as it was a bit broken. I think it was a fair price and if easily repaired, a great deal. These are really beautiful props.
The Silver 24th Century Carry Case went for $ 1,307. These are popular items as I think they display well, and you can put all your other Star Trek props in them!
The 24th Century Starfleet PADD came back down to Earth after one of these went for over $ 3,000 last week, and went for a very reasonable $ 1,300.

My buddy Jason won the Shinzon metal Dagger and Sheath at $ 1,026, which I think was a pretty good deal. A nice piece that will display great and is instantly recognizable.
Best Costume of the Week: The Ensign Demora Sulu uniform was complete and a great costume!
Best Prop of the Week: The Borg phaser was stunning and sold strong at $ 2,700
Best Buy of the week: The Orange Radiological Suit at $ 860 was a steal!
Worst Buy of the week: None this week! A few went higher than I would have thought, but none really out of whack.
Sleeper of the Week: The Worf and Alexander Mok'Bara costumes and Bat'Leth at $ 1,228 was an awesome deal on THREE items, including a Bat' Leth that usually goes for $ 1,000.
Star Trek: TMP Captain Kirk E.V. Suit at $ 12,600
Star Trek: Generations Ensign Demora Sulu uniform at $ 4,404
Star Trek: TNG Lt. Castillo Uniform at $ 3,800
Star Trek: TNG Lt. Comm. La Forge uniform at $ 3,676
Star Trek: TNG Data Distressed uniform jacket at $ 3,051
Make sure you check out the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forums, the best way to make sure you get the best info on the IAW auctions!
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