Well, the weekend of August 9-12 was the Creation Las Vegas Star Trek Convention. While the Creation Grand Slam convention in Pasadena used to be the big convention of the year, the Vegas one has taken over that role and the Grand Slam Convention has shrunken. The Vegas con now has about 5,000 attendees and was the nicest Star Trek event I have been to in some time.
We have been looking forward to this event for months and I had negotiated a deal with Gary Berman, one of the Creation owners, where by the forum would get two free booths and several free admissions in exchange for us putting together a display of Star Trek props and costumes and me doing a presentation on the subject for the attendees.
Several members of the forum had committed to bringing costumes and props. Among the items we had on display were:
Doctor McCoy's field jacket from Star Trek II and a prototype assassin's helmet and a pair of the assassin's boots from Star Trek VI supplied by Brett Leggett.

An Enterprise Medical Supply kit, a Voyager Plasma charge, Spock's headband from Star Trek IV, a Bajoran Tricorder and Wesley Crusher's comm badges from Jason Stevens. He also picked up a rubber Klingon Disruptor from the movies, an Enterprise Klingon Disruptor and a MACO scanner.

Aaron Carlson brought Captain Kirk's Death uniform from Star Trek: Generations, Uhura's Maroon with skirt and Sybok's robe from Star Trek V as well as Kirk's climbing boots from that movie and a Starfleet Security helmet.
The Miral Paris costume from Voyager "Endgame", a Klingon PADD and a Reman pistol were supplied by Dana Hammontree and his son Austin. He also picked up an Enterprise Klingon Disruptor there as well as a rare resin Enterprise Phase Pistol!

I brought Patrick Stewart's uniform from kirk's death scene on Veridian III to go with Aaron's Kirk costume. I also brought Kirk's jumpsuit from The Motion Picture as well as a few I didn't get to display. I also brought my NX-01 prototype PADD and my Universal translator from Enterprise and a Romulan Disruptor pistol among other things.
Daryl was the star though, bringing a full size Enterprise Torpedo and a huge console with working computer monitors and a plasma screen on which we showed the Christe's History Channel special. The two items framed the booth and looked awesome!

The show went well and we all enjoyed sharing our collections with the fans. I had been worried that we would need to have a schedule so that we had enough people to man the booth, but everyone loved hanging out there and it was our base of operations. Of course It's a Wrap was there and fortunately their booth was right behind ours!
I hope you enjoy the photos, and if you were in Vegas, please send me any photos you took.
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