There was no Week 46 as IAW listed no items. So although this is the 46th week of auctions, we are listing it as week 47 makes no sense to me, but BP insisted!
Interestingly there were only 46 items this week. IAW looks like it was getting a slow start after the move, which is probably a good idea. And the items were overall pretty weak.
The costume selection was really weak.
The top costume was the DS9 Major Kira Nerys Bajoran Uniform Lot which went for a reasonable $ 2,025 for a pretty sharp costume. The undershirt really makes the costume here and sets this Kira apart.

The best costume has to be the TOS Tellarite Costume which went to my good friend Giles Aston from the UK. Sure the costume is falling apart, but what a piece of history and at $ 910, a great price!
After that the selection took a nose dive!
As far as props go:

The Voyager Bothen Ship model at $ 6,600 was the top selling prop for the week. A nice model, it went strong, but not out of reason.
The DS9: Bajoran Dark Orb went for $ 3,050, which was a bit high I think, when you consider that two Orbs and an Ark went for $ 4,500 at Christies (before buyer's premium). It is nice, and an important prop, I just think that is a strong price.

The Romulan Disruptor Pistol with Holster at $ 1,314 was a beauty. I have one of these and they really are striking.
The Electronic Borg Arm at $ 1,281 was a great prop too as it was lighted and it moved! Pretty reasonable at this price I think.
I thought the TNG Mark VI Tricorder at $ 1,125 was a great deal. It didn't have the Medical scanner for the back, but still a smokin deal! This is such an iconic prop and the price was superb.
Best Costume of the Week: The TOS Tellarite Costume at $ 910 is a piece of history!
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise Starfleet Power Cell at $ 2,605 was an amazing prop. fantastic details in multiple media.
Best Buy of the week: The TNG Mark VI Tricorder at $ 1,125 was the best deal for a classic prop!
Worst Buy of the week: No bad deals this week!
Sleeper of the Week: The Klingon pistol and holster at $ 679 was a GREAT deal!
Star Trek: Voyager Bothen Ship model at $ 6,600
Star Trek: DS9: Bajoran Dark Orb at $ 3,050.
Star Trek: Enterprise Starfleet Power Cell at $ 2,605.
Star Trek: DS9 Major Kira Nerys Bajoran Uniform Lot at $ 2,025.
Star Trek: Voyager Pathfinder Admiral Uniform at $ 1,325.
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