The Hoshi Starfleet Uniform lot for $ 2,983 went to a new bidder. That was a pretty strong price, but mostly due to the jacket which was part of this lot. It also came with a pair of boots, though not Linda Park's.
The Spock Class A TMP Uniform went for $ 2,950 which was very strong considering that the to did not belong to Nimoy. This was a relist, and had previously been won by Maharnidiva, the # 1 winner of IAW auctions for $ 13,100. Now what is interesting is that Maharanidiva has not paid for a number of auctions, some of which have potentially questionable bidders as the under bidder.

I have warned her in the past not to bid early, as she is a prime target for shill bidding. She should not be telegraphing what she is bidding on and should be using a snipe program.
The fact that this sold for $ 2,950 this time, over $ 10,000 less, shows that there probably was a shill bidder last time. I hope this means Maharanidiva is wising up to how she has been manipulated.
The Admiral Kirk Class A was a bit of a mess in my book, with unfinished cuffs and only a bio-buckle. No rank or Starfleet badge. And the pants may not even be Shatner's. At $ 2,550 I am not crazy about this one.
The Chakotay Starfleet Uniform at $ 1,545 was a good deal and came with a Maquis rank pip. If you can get a main character at this price, you are doing well. This also points to the downturn in prices.
At $ 1,482 the Klingon Warrior Costume lot went pretty reasonably. My buddy Willie Bath won it and I think he got a good deal. It doesn't have boots, but spats, but still pretty cool. I especially like the baldric.

The TNG Admiral and Mrs. Jameson lot at $ 1,225 was good in that the Admiral costume was complete. Of course, it hurts just thinking of this episode, early TNG was so bad. But I like this costume none the less.
The T'Pol Sleepwear at $ 1,225 baffles me. I mean, they are pajamas!
I like the Lt. Reed Desert Uniform at $ 1,184. This was a great deal. A beautiful costume and complete with rank pips and shoes. And it will display well, though it will need a mannequin, not a costumer like so many of us use.
The Environmental Engineer's Orange Radiological suit at $ 1,075 was about right. IAW found the boots that go with these costumes, and will be offering those separately. So any that get auctioned will have the boots. We have seen these prices plummet. I won the first of these for $ 2,100 in the first weeks of the auction, and we saw one go as low as $ 600. It honestly amazes me how many Orange suits there have been.
As far as props go:

The Starfleet EVA Phaser Rifle was a decent deal at $ 1,613. It was rubber, but these are made of a good quality rubber and have held up well. I think this was a good deal and the coolest prop of the week for sure.

The DS9 Station Photon Torpedo Upgrades from "The Way of the Warrior" were very cool. At $ 1,375 a good buy as there are two pieces!

The Exclesior LCARS Panel was a good deal considering where these have gone in the past.

I like the John Eaves concept art from the DS9 episode "The Visitor" at $ 789. Jason Stevens and I were outbid for this. And I think we will see more of this type of lot. Mounted, these will look awesome.
The 24th Century Away Team holsters went strong at $ 890. I won a Phaser holster by itself for $ 219, so I think this was a bit high, though still an interesting lot that will go well if you have a Phaser or Tricorder.
Best Costume of the Week: Enterprise Hoshi Starfleet Uniform lot at $ 2,983
Best Prop of the Week: Star Trek: First Contact Starfleet EVA Phaser Rifle at $ 1,613
Best Buy of the week: The Jem 'Hadar with Kar'takin at $ 515 was a steal!
Worst Buy of the week: No bad deals this week!
Sleeper of the Week: The DS9 Bajoran Tricorder at $ 460 was a great deal.
Star Trek: Enterprise Hoshi Starfleet Uniform lot at $ 2,983
Star Trek: TMP Spock Class A TMP Uniform at $ 2,950
Star Trek: TMP Admiral Kirk Class A at $ 2,550
Star Trek: First Contact Starfleet EVA Phaser Rifle at $ 1,613.
Star Trek: Voyager Chakotay Starfleet Uniform at $ 1,545
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