(53rd week of IAW auctions)

Overall, this was a pretty poor week, so this will be a short post. Not a lot of great costumes or props. Even trying to decide on the best costumes and props was tough. But we are seeing some good deals and will continue to see more as people simply can't keep spending at the same pace for another year of auctions!
The Dr. McCoy Commando Uniform was the top costume at $ 2,940. While these costumes aren't regular Starfleet uniforms, they are a cool variant from the worst of the Star Trek movies (with apologies to my buddy Aaron). This one had the boots, though strangely, as cool as they are, IAW didn't photograph them! I have no clue why.

The TOS Technician Fisher Jumpsuit went for $ 2,252. Well, you would think IAW could spell "Technician" but it seems there are a lot of spelling errors lately as the title of this auction had it spelled "technition". Still, it is nice to see an original TOS costume, even one as boring as this! But hey, this is TOS and 40 years old!
The TNG Captain Picard Civilian Lot at $ 1,775. I liked this lot because it had a few recognizable Picard costumes.

The Star Trek VI Crewman Samno costume went for a strong $ 1,525. These crewman's uniforms have been going between $ 800 and $ 1,500 for better examples. Still, I think this is a bit strong.
The TNG Season 1-2 Worf Stunt Costume at $ 1,377. It came with boots and rank pips, so I like this at this price. A bit strong for a stunt, but cool none the less.
My good friend Chrissy won the Voyager Harry Kim Starfleet Uniform. At $ 1,304 it was a good deal and about where main character costumes havce been going, showing the great deals that are available if you know what to look for.
The Nemesis First Contact Style Starfleet Uniform went for a very strong $ 1,300. For a background costume, this is about $ 300 more than these should be. Still they are great uniforms.
The Star Trek VI: Azetbur, Klingon High Chancellor costume was an interesting collection of Klingon costume pieces. At $ 1,151.53 a good deal.
As far as props go:

The Enterprise "Original Series Style Busy Box" was pretty cool, but kind of big! At $ 1,350 a good deal for something that looks cool and really speaks of TOS.
The Romulan Senate Stools went for a reasonable $ 1,180. I love these props and need a set myself!
The DS9 Large Research PADD was actually from "Insurrection". At $ 1,175 a fair price and some pretty cool text on the graphic.

Prop prices are coming down a lot. Fatigue is setting in with bidders who have been at this a year now. Not enough new bidders are coming to the auctions and with 6 months to a year of auctions left, few have the staying power to keep bidding. Be patient on generic props as there is still a lot of stuff!
Best Costume of the Week: The Star Trek V Dr. McCoy Commando Uniform at $ 2,940 was not great, but cool none the less.
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise Na'Kuhl Control Console at $ 1,651 was the best of a poor week of props.
Best Buy of the week: At $ 720, the two Federation Security Council Arcadian Masks were a great deal as the price was cheap!
Worst Buy of the week: None! Keep up the good work and shop smart!
Sleeper of the Week: The Nemesis Captain Picard Desk Tools lot. A relist, I won these at $ 366. They had previously sold for $ 2,025.

Star Trek V Dr. McCoy Commando Uniform at $ 2,940.
Star Trek: DS9 Klingon Warrior Costume at $ 2,800
Star Trek: TOS Technician Fisher Jumpsuit at $ 2,252.
Star Trek: TNG TNG Captain Picard Civilian Lot at $ 1,775.
Star Trek: Enterprise USS Defiant Name Plaque Set Dressing at $ 2,136
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