(55th week of IAW auctions)
While this is actually the 55th week of auctions, I am going to use the numbering system Burt came up with for his Star Trek Auctions Archive to keep consistent.

The Generations Captain Picard uniform went high at $ 7,500. I bought one like this (without the pips, comm badge and boots) in Week 21 for $ 4,050. Now, the pips were not Picard's, but two sets on lower ranking officer pips put together, and the boots were not identified as Picard's. So I think this was a $ 5,000 costume. Quite a bit of a premium there. But we are starting to see prices rise on Captain's costumes, so in that respect, we shouldn't be surprised moving forward to see these costumes going high.
The Admiral Kirk, San Francisco Apartment wear went about where it should at $ 4,550. My buddy won this and he spent a lot of time doing research on this and I know he was happy with his win. If you want a Kirk, you have to be willing to buy
The Star Trek IV Spock Whale Tank Costume at $ 2,927 was a popular item and certainly very memorable. Not out of line price wise. Will be a cool conversation piece on display.

The Lit. Ilia costume from ST: TMP went for $ 2,612. A bit high, as they weren't her pants, but certainly recognizable and a popular, if short lived character.
The Captain Janeway Klingon Costume at $ 2,280 was about right. Sadly it had no boots or breastplate, but still cool. The fact that it was used by Janeway would have made me think this would go higher. But a good deal at this price.
The Chakotay Civilian Costume went surprisingly strong at $ 1,691. I am not sure this was used in the pilot, as it had tags from the last season. Needs a little research there. Still surprised it went so high, as his Starfleet uniform went for less than this the previous week!
The Reman Warrior Costume went for a record low at $ 1,685. These are the nicest costumes I have ever seen from Start Trek and so this was a deal. If you buy one of these, you will never regret it.

Meanwhile my great Aussie friend Chrissy, went to the wall and set a record for Romulan Senator Robes at $ 1,525. The blue are very popular and so I don't expect the next set to go this high. But owning a set myself, I can say these were worth every penny.
The Data "First Contact" away team costume went for $ 1,524. I love First Contact and all the civilain costumes are very memorable. This came with boots and I think was a fair price.
The Insurrection Starfleet Dress Uniform at $ 1,287 was about right. These are nice, but I think they look best with Operations Gold.
The lot of 7 Feature Style Uniform Undershirt's went for $ $ 1,138.

The Enterprise Starfleet Hand Scanner went for a reasonable $ 3,850 to a great collector who I know from Christie's (he won the Voyager and Enterprise C models there!). This was a beauty and gets Prop of the Week for sure. I would have loved to go to the wall for this, and at this price I think it is incredibly reasonable. I hope they have at least one more like this.
The Star Trek Movie Phaser Rifle at $ 3,239 set a record for a Phaser rifle and went to new bidder Alex from Hong Kong! I wanted this badly, but had backed off for a buddy and Alex just wanted it more. This one lights up so it is a prime piece.

The Starfleet Freestanding Power Console at $ 1,729 was a bit higher than I would have expected considering it will cost a lot to ship this one. You need some room also to display these, and those two factors contribute to these often going at a low price. But this one went strong.

The Romulan Trans-Lite Set Dressing sold for $ 1,314 for 4 panels to my buddy Jim. All these are nice, though they need to be back lit in order to really show them off.
Worf's Baldric Emblems went high at $ 1,127. For two emblems I feel this was a bit high, but not out of bounds for important pieces of Worf's Uniform. My friend Donna from the Star Trek Prop Forum won these (she is a big Worf fan).
The Reman Rifle went a bit higher than usual at $ 1,125, but these are beautiful guns. The rubber is very hard and they are really amazing in person. The paint job is amazing and so I think this was a reasonable price to pay.
Best Costume of the Week: The Generations Captain Picard uniform was high at $ 7,500, but still an important costume.
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise Starfleet Hand Scanner at $ 3,850 was a beauty!
Best Buy of the week: The Engineer's White Radiological Suit at $ 709 was a steal.
Worst Buy of the week: None
Sleeper of the Week: The Vulcan Khitomer Attendee costume with boots was a great deal at $ 360!
Star Trek: Generations Generations Captain Picard uniform at $ 7,500.
Star Trek: TWOK Admiral Kirk, San Francisco Apartment wear at $ 4,550.
Star Trek: Enterprise Starfleet Hand Scanner at $ 3,850.
Star Trek Movie Phaser Rifle at $ 3,239.
Star Trek IV: Spock Whale Tank Costume at $ 2,927.
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