While this is the 76th week of auctions, It is titled Week 84 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
First I should mention that I accidentally deleted Week 83. I wrote it Thursday, so if you didn't read it yesterday, well, sorry! No going back now and I am DEFINITELY not redoing it!

The Props:
I think the top prop, though there were some good ones, was the Enterprise Daniel's Temporal Device a which went for a strong $ 1,809. I have one of these props, but it was used in "Regeneration" and doesn't have the case. I love the prop though. Even though it is rubber, they are amazingly detailed and well painted.

Star Trek: Enterprise Shran's Ushaan at $ 1,025 was a good deal as this one was metal. The fact it has "blood" on it is really cool.

The TNG Starfleet Type IIIb Phaser rifle at $ 901 was a rubber version, but this was a great price for a really nice one. I love this version and think it is the best looking of the Phaser Rifles.

The Enterprise Bridge Data Module at $ 838 went to Forum member Chrissie from Australia and its cool because of all the individual modules.
The Seven of Nine Borg Implant went for a healthy $ 827. I am not surprised it went this high as Seven is so popular.
The Andorian Carbine and Holster went for $ 720, which is reasonable, though the Holster doesn't go with the Carbine. It goes with the pistol version.
The Non-Cabal Suliban Energy Pistol was an absolute STEAL at $ 375 and gets my Best Buy of the Week. I wish I had bid on this baby.

Best Costume of the Week: There were None!
Best Prop of the Week: Enterprise Daniel's Temporal Device at $ 1,809
Best Buy of the week: The Non-Cabal Suliban Energy Pistol was an absolute STEAL at $ 375
Worst Buy of the week: None! Good job all!
Sleeper of the Week: Noss Field Glasses from "Gravity" were a great deal at only $ 265.
Star Trek: Enterprise Daniel's Temporal Device at $ 1,809
Star Trek: TNG Starfleet Medical Away Team Case at $ 1,176.
Star Trek: Enterprise Shran's Ushaan at $ 1,025
Star Trek: TNG Starfleet Type IIIb Phaser rifle at $ 901
Star Trek: Enterprise Bridge Data Module at $ 838
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