While this is the 78th week of auctions, It is titled Week 85 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
BIG CHANGE THIS WEEK. I am now linking to Burt's Star Trek Auction Archive rather than eBay auctions ads since the eBay ads go away after 30 days, but Burt's Archive is forever! So every link below links not to the auction ad on eBay, but to the item on the archive. Frankly, I should have done this a long time ago.
Now I think this is simply the nature of the beast. IAW has been doing these auctions for about 20 months and they are running out of the great hero stuff.
The Worf Klingon Robe was a great item and won by Forum steamroller Donna. She has been racking up the wins lately. This is a great item and I think it will look great on display. You just need a good Worf Starfleet Uniform to display underneath it (the gold ops version would be best I think). At $ 2,437, this went for about where you might expect for such a cool and important item.
The Starfleet Flag Officer Uniform was a TNG era version and one I really liked. I suggest the winner talk to Brett Jones about a Comm Badge and rank pins. Brett did rank pins for my Admiral Janeway costume and they are amazing. This one went strong at $ 1,451. Not a bad deal, but more than we have seen. I am sure it wil llook awesome on display!
There was a nice Sulu Feature Film lot that even had a complete belt and it went CHEAP At $ 1,265.
Finally, I really liked the Vic Fontaine Tuxedo Lot from "Badda Bing, Badda Bang", one of the best Vic Fontaine DS9 episodes. At $ 1,136, Katie Harrison from the Star Trek Prop Forum won this right after she got married!
The Props:
The Ancient Klingon Bat'Leth was actually one of 3 Stunt "Sword of Kahless" built by Max Cervantes at HMS, the prop maker for much of Star Trek DS9 and Voyager, (the hero verson was built by Dragon Dronet out of metal). I spoke with Max on the phone the day before the auction ended and he pretty much confirmed what I knew after screen matching this black rubber over metal stunt version with the hero version from the DS9 episode. So I bid very high and won this at $3,450. I am pretty happy about this as it is one of my holy grails.
Another LCARS went for $995 and was about 3 1/2' wide. I actually liked this one better because it was bigger and had more cool LCARS graphics.
Finally, the Nemesis Argo Canon went for $851 which was pretty cheap for an awesome prop.
Best Costume of the Week: The Worf Klingon Robe at $ 2,437 was awesome!
Best Prop of the Week: The Ancient Klingon Bat'Leth at $ 3,450 was clearly the best prop.
Best Buy of the week: The B'Lanna Torres Forehead Mold at only $ 785 is a piece of Star Trek History!
Worst Buy of the week: None! Good job all!
Sleeper of the Week: The Borg Alcove Set Dressing for only $ 720!!
Star Trek: DS9 / Voyager Ancient Klingon Bat'Leth at $ 3,450
Star Trek: TNG Worf Klingon Robe at $ 2,437
Star Trek: IV Spock Whale Mind Meld Costume at $ 1,575
Star Trek: IV Admiral Kirk Whale Escape Costume at $ 1,525.
Star Trek: TNG Starfleet Flag Officer Uniform at $ 1,451
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