Note the prices and check them with the Star Trek Auction Archive. Some of Jason's prices are good, and some significantly over what he paid. In a bad economy and with the Star Trek market flooded after 2+ years of IAW auctions, items rarely go over what they originally sold for and I wouldn't recommend paying more than the originally sale price for most items out there. Heck, the TOS costume I got (and was in my last blog post) I got for basically what the last buyer bought it for!
You can see Jason's auctions here.
Items of note would be:
The Enterprise Klingon Electrical Prod:
A good buy at $ 325 BIN.
Fairly priced at $ 1,200 for a rubber version.
The Hero MACO Scanner:
High at $ 3,000 I think, but the only one we have seen so far. Jason bought this at the Vegas Star Trek convention in 2007 I believe.
The one costume I like is the Lewis Zimmerman Costume at $ 275. This is a good buy for a costume worn by Robert Picardo.
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