And now a break from our regularly scheduled Star Trek blog.
Battlestar Galactica is near and dear to many of our hearts. Certainly, it launched a new career for me. It also ranks second behind Star Trek as the biggest prop & costume category in the hobby. No other show, other than Star Trek, has as many items in circulation as does BSG.
The two live auctions were hailed by many as the best prop & costume auctions ever held. That was due to the attention to detail and creating a fun environment that NBC/Universal and Propworx strived for. One area this was very evident in was the auction space itself. Every item was available for preview and we tried to create a museum like feel to the space.
Here are two of my favorite photos from the second BSG auction. The first is a photo we took of the preview area, which was made to represent the Galactica hanger deck. It included custom made struts that mimicked the look of the Galactica hanger deck. Becky Casey spearheaded the effort to get these built, and they really made the space look amazing!
And of course the photo of The Colonial Fleet, the biggest and best BSG fan group. They came in costume to each of the live auctions and added a great sense of community and passion to the events.

And make sure you get your copy of Battlestar Galactica: The Plan that comes out October 27th.
Blu Ray:
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