This will mean the auction is being pushed into June for sure. At the moment it is scheduled for June 18-20 at the Pasadena Convention Center. Because we are producing an amazing catalog, and the Star Trek Experience assets need to be brought back from their current location to our warehouse, cleaned up, described and photographed and then put in the catalog layout.
So what is the story with the Star Trek Experience assets? Well, after the Experience closed, the show was taken apart. Everything from the museum part, which was the props & costumes, was put in a storage facility where it remains. of course most of those items were replicas, and most were not in great shape. The items were all on display under flourescent lights which of course damaged everything. All of the fixtures, tables from Quark's bar, walls, ships and store fixtures were taken down and put in a warehouse as the Experience was supposed to come back as a new ride in Neonopolis, a downtown Vegas destination.

The costumes the actors wore were also stored there along with all the seats from the two motion-control rides. We have some great items, like the Quark's bar signs (2), two of the portable bars from the upstairs private party area, all the custom made store fixtures from the retail area (truly beautiful!), Borg Alcoves, wall panels and seats from the new ride, which are like Captain's Chairs and you guys will go NUTS over them!
We are going to Vegas to move everything to our warehouse at the end of the month, but we will not be taking many items, including all the tables and chairs from Quark's Bar, most of the wall panels, and most likely the Borg Alcoves. These items will be sold at an on-location warehouse sale at a date TBA. Fans will be able to come, view the items and buy them on-site and take them home. More information to follow.

And if you have a LOT of room, feel free to contact me about the ships. The Klingon ship will be going back to Propworx for restoration. The Enterprise D is a total loss. The Enterprise A is HEAVY and HUGE but in good shape. The Voyager is as well.
Email me at alec@propworx.com for more info on the ships. For everything else, please wait for more updates here.
NOTE: CBS still plans on doing a new "Experience", but will not be using these assets, as these assets were very specific and customized to the Hilton Show.
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