Well, the best Star Trek auction catalog yet is on its way to the printer in China for the full Propworx treatment and you can download the PDF now!
If you liked the Iron man auction catalog, you will love this one! 296 pages and 450 lots of beautiful Star Trek props, costumes & set pieces from Star Trek art directors Doug Drexler, Mike & Denise Okuda and Rick Sternbach.
You can download the catalog HERE.
Note two changes:
1) Lot # 11, the Kirk Space Suit Model estimate should be $ 8-10,000
2) Lot 212, The Zephram Cochrane Statue is the HERO.
Corrections will be made in the next version of the catalog PDF and in the print catalog. The Catalog is broken into sections by show, with the Rick Sternbach original concept art and the Mike and Denise Okuda Crew Gift sections separate, but divided the same way. Each section is themed to the show.
The TOS Section uses the Enterprise as its theme.

The Movie section is based on the Klingons (extra points for translating the Klingon)

The DS9 section has a Cardassian theme.

The Voyager section is themed after their nemesis the Borg!

The Enterprise section has an Andorian theme.

Remember, the live auction is August 8th at the Las Vegas Creation Star Trek convention!
We all hope you enjoy this catalog!
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