Well, there were few surprises in the Profiles # 44 auction and a bunch of good deals. I am sure the fact that the Propworx auction went live the week before Profiles' auction helped keep the prices reasonable, as there are 2 1/2 times more items in the Propworx auction than Profiles had.
The two big fails, were, as predicted, the Spock costume from TMP (no bids) and the Shuttlepod (no bids). You didn't have to be a genius to know that the TMP Spock Robe was worth maybe $ 15,000 TOPS and that this one would never hit the $ 30,000 reserve. And since Martin Netter already had one Shuttlepod, and was the only guy likely to be interested in something so big, that this one would not sell either.
The biggest shock was the nose cone to the Phoenix, which went for a shocking $ 15,000! That blew me away, but you never know what people like. (There is an unpainted one from Doug Drexler in the Propworx auction).
The Bajoran, Cardassian and Romulan PADDs all went for $ 1,000 which I thought was rich, but not too much so. All were nice pieces. These at $ 1,200 (when you factor in BP) is the high end of the spectrum, but not crazy.
The distressed Archer jumpsuit from Enterprise was reasonable at $ 3,000 ($ 3,600 with BP). The Prop Store has been trying to sell that one for a while, but it was overpriced I felt. An Archer is generally a $ 5,000 costume in good shape, and this one was somewhat distressed. A couple people have asked me about this over the past year or so, so I am happy to see it go at a fair price (and to a respected forum member!).
I also thought the distressed Janeway from "Scorpion" was a solid deal at $ 3,000 ($ 3,600 with BP), as it had a comm badge and a stunt Tricorder. I just don't think you will get a better deal than that. So good buy whoever got it!
Amazingly, the hero Tricorder went for a paltry $ 2,250 ($ 2,700 with BP). That is a steal! I was so tempted to bid on it, but alas I nee dto moderate my buying habits and I just made a big score that took my budget for the year! But what we have seen lately, after last year's Tricorder bonanza in Profiles June 2010 auction, was prices going down for Tricorders. I think now is the time to buy one.

TNG $ 1,700
ODO $ 3,000
DS9 $ 1,900
Nausican PASSED
Lawxana Troi PASSED
Romulan Female PASSED
Borg $ 12,000
Quark $ 5,000
Overall, a good auction, but the starting prices were too rich on some good items.
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