Well, the Star Trek auction was a big success from a lot of perspectives. Certainly the staff at Propworx is happy with the auction. We have over 300 bidders from 18 countries bidding in this auction. The auction totaled over $ 156,000 in sales.
From the outset the auction was strong with the "Menagerie" Matte painting going for $ 12,000. OK, so it isn't a costume, and I titled this blog "The Costumes". Give me a break! :-) But we made this the first item in the auction because it deserved to be first. Plus, we had a few bidders who we knew would also bid on the Red Dress, and we wanted to get this one out of the way, so the losing bidders could know they could bid on the red mini-dress. The Matte painting is the first TOS matte painting to be offered by an auction house since this was sold over 15 years ago.

The Celeste Yarnell red mini-dress uniform went for $ 8,000. I could have seen this going for a bit more, but none the less both buyer and seller were happy. The dress was offered with TOS women's boots, which one rarely sees.
In fact both items went to Arnaud from France, a top collector in Europe and Propworx very first customer! It was Arnuad that bought the Battlestar Galactica Viper in 2008. when we had just gotten up to Vancouver. So we were happy that he got these very rare and precious Star Trek artifacts!
The beginning of the auction also had two amazing TNG costumes in the Worf Jumpsuit and the Tasha Yar dress uniform. Both went for identical $ 3,750 bids. The Worf went for $ 3,000 at Christie's, and although this wasn't that exact costume, it was identical, though without rank pins.
The Yar was one of the first costumes I got back in 2006. After the Christie's Star Trek auction, the winner of the Lot that had this and Tasha's jumpsuit, wound up winning a Klingon Costume for almost $ 10,000. he needed to sell the Yar's and I was happy to oblige. I paid $ 1,500 each back then, so I did well in this auction off of it. It is a beautiful costume, but I have her jumpsuit, which I find more appealing. When I had my home in Atlanta, her jumpsuit was displayed next to the Carol Marcus, which made a truly awesome "Women of Star Trek" display.
There are actually boots that go with this that were misplaced in the move. When I find them I will contact the winner.
Lot # 13 was Dr. Bashir's Future uniform from "The Visitor". First off, "The Visitor" is one of the best Star Trek episodes EVER of any version. It is the "Field of Dreams" of Star Trek, because if you are a guy, you will cry. This is all about Jake and his Dad, and Tony Todd gives an emmy worthy performance. So go watch it!
Now, why did I sell this? Well, I bought The Doctor version of this costume from "Endgame" and that gave me all 4 major "Endgame" characters, Admiral Janeway, The Doctor, Miral Paris and Harry Kim. So I have all 3 section colors, plus the Admiral is different in its trim. And I wanted that selection so I could do a cool display. So I really didn't need the Bashir. It is a beautiful costume though and went for a reasonable $ 2,100 with a future combadge!
There were 3 "Captain Proton" costumes in the auction. Of course, they all belonged to me. Last summer, when I didn't get the Captain Proton laser gun from the Profiles in History auction, I kind of lost my interest in the Captain. Plus, now that I live in California and have about 1/3 the space I used to, I have to trim my collection down as I simply do not have the space to display everything. And for me a costume not displayed is a major problem! So I decided to sell these items, and I am happy they found good homes.
The Lonzak costume went for a very reasonable $ 600. It is an amazing costume with lots of cool parts. The Delaney Sisters "Demonica" and "Malicia" costumes went to the same buyer overseas. I am happy that is the case, as I hope the buyer gets two female friends to wear them to a con and then show off photos! The costumes are really beautiful with velvet bodysuits and intricate details.
I thought this was an important costume when I got it and I think someone got a great deal as this costume only went for $ 1,400. In Starfleet history, AG Robinson was the first human to break the Warp 2 barrier.
Well, that is all for this entry. I will have Costumes Part 2 up tomorrow!
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