Well, another week late. I will have Week 43 up tomorrow (I promise!). There was just to much crap to deal with IAW last week and I was in no mood. They really take the fun out of a lot of this. I think many of us feel that the burden of dealing with the lack of customer service has made this whole event less enjoyable over time.

So I am trying to stay focused on all the good of the past year while dealing with the aggravation of IAW. Now on to the week 42 round-up. It is shorter because I just don't have the drive to right about auctions as much. But here we go:
The ST:TMP Decker Class A uniform at $ 2,385 was the surprise top costume of the week. His main costume you see in most scenes, it went to an Italian buyer. It was a nice piece and will look great on display.

The Klingon female warrior costume lot was really interesting and at $ 1,904 a fair deal. There were pieces you don't see often, and with a little stiching, this will be an impressive addition to someone's collection.

The Sulu Commando uniform from Star Trek V was won by my buddy Aaron at a very reasonable $ 1,900. It had the rare boots, which look really nice. I just sold Aaron the Uhura I won early on, which also had the boots. A good buy at this price.
The Beverly Crusher Costume Lot at $1,750 was a good deal as you not only got the black and gray uniform, but a lab coat and a civilian costume. So when you figure it all out, a good buy. However, I don't think the black and gray looks as good with the lab coat as the TV style uniforms did.
The Admiral Kirk Class B Uniform is cool in that it is my favorite costume from ST:TMP. This doesn't have the insignia nor the shoulder boards (maybe because they were sold at Christie's for $ 3,000!). Still, this was my favorite Kirk costume from the movie.
The Harry Kim Starfleet Uniform lot was a great deal at $ 1,248. It has the rare jacket version of the costume as well as two pairs of pants and 4 shirts. My friend Martin from Germany won this along with the Jadzia and Ezri Dax Costume Lot which went for $ 1,233. That lot was a bit more of a mish-mash of pieces, but had a black and gray.
Finally, the first Weyoun costume from DS9 went for $ 1,179. It would have gone higher because I would have gone up to $ 2,000, but I didn't bid in protest to IAW screwing me on the MACO sniper rifle. There will be many more of these.
As far as props go:

The Astrometrics Lab Set Design Model was also one I liked a bunch. Prolific bidder Jason Stevens won it, and I know he wanted one badly as it took some arm twisting to get him to let me have the Romulan Senate model previously. So I am glad he get his set model. And this was a nice one
The 24th Century View Screen, which was quite damaged,
Best Costume of the Week: The ST:TMP Decker Class A uniform at $ 2,385. Not especially interesting, but a key costume of an important character.
Best Prop of the Week: The Voyager Dr. Chaotica view screen at $ 1,775 was very, very cool.
Best Buy of the week: The Garak Cardassian Costume at $ 810 was a steal.
Worst Buy of the week: None. No crazy buys. I think people are settling down.
Sleeper of the Week: The first Weyoun costume from DS9 at $ 1,179 was a great deal on a costume of a character everyone loves.
Star Trek: ST:TMP Decker Class A uniform at $ 2,385
Star Trek: Enterprise Sim-Tucker jumpsuit at $ 1,994.
Star Trek: Klingon female warrior costume lot at $ 1,904
Star Trek: V Sulu Commando uniform at $ 1,900.
Star Trek: Voyager Dr. Chaotica view screen at $ 1,775
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