OK, well here is Week 43 on time for a change! Prices are dropping on all but the hero items, and there are good deals to be had, especially if that is what you are looking for. I am going to start showing some of the good deals that are out there each week.

The DS9 Martok Klingon Robe at $ 2,276 was interestingly the highest priced costume of the week. A nice piece, but a bit high I think. There should be more of these, just look at the TNG episodes in teh Klingon High Council Chamber.
The Enterprise Lt. Reed Uniform Jumpsuit at $ 2,025 was a good deal as it came with boots and pips. As IAW puts items together to move more items, there are bound to be more good deals to had.
The TNG Insurrection/ Dr. Soong/Data Costume Lot at $ 1,902 was another mish-mash. Not sure why these two costumes were together. The Soong is definitely cool, and the other was probably thrown in to move it. I think IAW sees a lot of the costumes as just taking up space and not worth listing independently

The Cardassian Military Uniform at $ 1,525 was a great deal too. This was the lowest yet for a Cardassian uniform. It also came with latex Cardassian head appliances, which is cool, but be careful as these will degrade if not looked after carefully.
The Travis Mayweather Starfleet Uniform Jumpsuit at $ 1,425 was fairly priced. These types are settling down in price and there should be more.
The Generations Worf Starfleet Uniform was a cool lot in that it had multiple pieces. A jacket, two undershirts and three pairs of pants (though none of the pants had Dorn tags). At $ 1,150 another great deal.
The Enterprise Soval costume lot was nice in that the robe that was part of this lot was spectacular. At $ 1,125 a good deal as well for three costumes.
As far as props go:

The Vulcan High Command Wall Decoration was won by Vulcan aficionado Maharanidiva at $ 1,358. These things are HUGE at 10' high and 15' long! I hear they weigh a ton too. But certainly will look awesome!

The Vulcan "Stone of J'Kah" was a cool prop and went very reasonably at $ 1,136. Props like this used to go in the $ 1,800 range, and so we see prices falling here.
A nice Enterprise colored Klingon Bat'Leth went for a reasonable $ 1,125 to my friend Martin from Berlin. Not bad at this price.

The Klingon Disruptor Pistol at $ 910 was a good deal, as some of us paid $ 1,200 in Vegas. These are really nice and this was a good buy and will look great on display. I know, as I have one!
Best Costume of the Week: The Admiral Valdore Romulan Fleet Uniform is a beauty! And at $ 1,780 was a good deal.
Best Prop of the Week: The Enterprise MACO Phase Rifle at $ 5,322 was awesome. I am glad my buddy Adrian got it.
Best Buy of the week: Dr. Lewis Zimmerman Costume Lot was stunt, but still a STEAL!
Worst Buy of the week: SANITY REIGNS!!!!
Sleeper of the Week: The TNG Borg costume at $ 460! WOW. Distressed, no boots, but a beauty!
Star Trek: Enterprise MACO Phase Rifle at $ 5,322
Star Trek: DS9 Martok Klingon Robe at $ 2,276
Star Trek: Enterprise Avionics Bridge Bay and Monitor at $ 2,203
Star Trek: Enterprise Lt. Reed Uniform Jumpsuit at $ 2,025
Star Trek: TNG Insurrection/ Dr. Soong/Data Costume Lot at $ 1,902
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