I am still a week behind, so I will have Week 76 up tomorrow. Sorry, but there is some big news that I will tell you all about soon that is consuming my time.
Writing these blogs, I have always focused on items over $ 1,000 (except for the Best Buy and Sleeper Awards). The past few weeks, there have been very few items over $ 1,000. It shows that the auctions are slowing down.
The Maroon Female Captain's Uniform went for $ 3,617. There aren't many of these left from what i hear, so this was bound to go at a good price. I still need one of these, but am holding out for a male. These are still the cream of the costume crop!

Romulan Senator Robes continue to be strong as this set went for $ 1,301. The robes have been a hot seller lately, after going in the $ 500-600 range last year. They are beautiful, as I have a set and love them. The material and workmanship are quite amazing.
A Feature Film Crewman Uniform Belt went for an insane $ 1,025! Obviously someone needed this bad and so was willing to pay way above market price. When that is the case, market price is irrelevant.
As far as props go:

The Space Background Paintings lot went for $ 1,575. They don't do it for me, but someone liked them!
This The Romulan Mine/Xindi Weapon prop went for a healthy $ 1,293. Another one sold in Week 38 for $790. Will from the Star Trek Prop, Costume & Auction Forum said:
"There were two of them. One with Blue lights and one with Green lights. I won the Blue light version a while back which is the one that Archer has to deactivate at the very end. This one that was just sold was the green version which is the first one that Archer deactivates (and has the most screen time). "
It is a cool prop and since it served as two props, it got plenty of screen time. A good price I think.

A huge Voyager Sickbay Monitor Console went for $ 1,251 to Martin from Berlin, who will have to pay some serious shipping on this! Still, a good deal.
The Voyager LCARS Readout Panel went for a reasonable $ 1,125. It was big and had cool engineering graphics.
The Voyager Richard James Fabric Consistency Sample Book for $ 960 was really interesting. We don't see many items like this that really tell the behind the scenes story of Star Trek.

The Borg Arm at $ 825 was a pretty good deal. Everyone loves te eBorg, so this prop will get a lot of attention in someone's collection. And at a very good price.
The Star Trek VI Klingon Head Mask at $ 830 was reasonably priced. I have one of these and they look great on display. Anywhere in this neighborhood is a good deal. They are pretty sturdy too.
There was a beautiful LCARS Style Control Board at $ 666. What a great deal for a really nice piece! There are plenty of these, but when you can get a beautiful one at a great price, they are really worth looking at.
Finally, Dr. Phlox's Sickbay Microscope went for a cheap $ 635. I don't find it interesting, seems a bit too modern, but cool none the less, and at a great price.
Best Costume of the Week: The Maroon Female Captain's Uniform at $ 3,617.
Best Prop of the Week: The Vulcan Lirpa at $ 1,525 is iconic!
Best Buy of the week: The Klingon Painstick at $ 202 was a steal!
Worst Buy of the week: The Feature Film Crewman Uniform Belt at $ 1,025 was INSANE!
Sleeper of the Week: The LCARS Style Control Board at $ 666
Star Trek: Maroon Female Captain's Uniform at $ 3,617.
Star Trek: Enterprise Vulcan Lirpa at $ 1,525.
Star Trek: Space Background Paintings lot at $ 1,575.
Star Trek: Voayger B'Ellana Torres Starfleet Uniform at $ 1,325
Star Trek: Enterprise Romulan Mine/Xindi Weapon prop went for a healthy $ 1,293
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