While this is the 72nd week of auctions, It is titled Week 78 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
I am on the road driving across the country, so forgive my lateness this time. it has been a CRAZY week. More details to follow!
I am still looking for other collectors to write blog articles!

The Chief O'Brien First Contact Style uniform went to my buddy Jim Williams for $ 2,828. That is a bit on the high side I think, but certainly within range. Previous versions have gone for $ 2,000, $ 2,500 and $ 2,600. These are good in that they have the unique rank insignia sewn into the undershirt's collar.
The First/Second Season Operations Gold Starfleet Jumpsuit was assumed to belong to Worf since the tag inside said "Michael" and it looks exactly like Dorn's other costumes size-wise. It went for a very reasonable $ 2,601. I think this was a very good deal. It is a beautiful costume and certainly Dorn's. And it has rank pips, though it doesn't seem Dorn was ever a full Lt. in this uniform. Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Forum member Chris won the TNG Operations Gold Skant at $ 910. These are cool uniforms with historical significance, A STUPID idea, but cool from a historical perspective. If I win one before Vegas, Giles and I said we would wear ours at the Con. Chris, no excuses for you not joining us!
As far as props go:

The Voyager Systems Status LCARS Display was the top item of the week and WAY overpriced. Sorry, this gets worse buy of the week. At $ 5,206 it was just too much for a LCARS. It wasn't even THE Master Systems Display, which I could at least understand. A cool piece, but not THAT cool!

The Nemesis Style Phaser Rifle went at a healthy $ 2,662. That is about right. I have almost an identical one as this and they are beautiful props. I don't like them as much as the First Contact style because of the scope, but they have cool detailing with chrome appliqués and such. Plus, it is a Phaser Rifle. Technically a Type 3c Phaser Rifle.

I really loved the Nemesis Scimitar Observation Lounge Set Model. At $ 799 it was a great buy as well. These are awesome pieces of Star Trek production history. I have the Romulan Senate Model and love it. What you get is a piece that allows you to see HOW sets are designed and built. They give you a behind the scenes look at the movies or shows that you don't often see. Check out the Nemesis DVD special features under "The ROmulan Senate" for details of how they use these models.

The Enterprise Half a Missle was a steal at $ 788. Man, I wish I had bid on this! What a great piece for your home theater!
The Andorian Hand Scanner at $ 710 was a great deal as well. It lights up and was used several times by different races. A very good deal and an interesting prop.
Best Costume of the Week: The First/Second Season Operations Gold Starfleet Jumpsuit at $ 2,601. This is an awesome costume and we aren't seeing a lot of them!
Best Prop of the Week: The Nemesis Style Phaser Rifle at $ 2,662 was a great prop in a bad week for props. I almost gave this to the Scimitar Observation Lounge Model, but that isn't really a prop, rather a production model and I don't have a category for that! Besides, it wins.....
Best Buy of the week: The Nemesis Scimitar Observation Lounge Set Model. A STEAL at $ 799. These are incredible pieces of Star Trek history, and this was obviously overlooked.
Worst Buy of the week: Star Trek: Voyager Systems Status LCARS Display at $ 5,206.
Sleeper of the Week: The Enterprise Half a Missle at $ 788. WOW! What a deal!
Star Trek: Voyager Systems Status LCARS Display at $ 5,206.
Star Trek: DS9 Chief O'Brien First Contact Style uniform at $ 2,828.
Star Trek: TNG First/Second Season Operations Gold Starfleet Jumpsuit at $ 2,601.
Star Trek: Nemesis Style Phaser Rifle went at a healthy $ 2,662.
Star Trek II: TWOK Dr. David Marcus costume at $ 2,276
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