While this is the 89th week of auctions, It is titled Week 98 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
There were 87 items this week but only four topped $ 1,000. IAW had a low total sales volume this week, at $ 23,513, due to the vast majority of items being below $ 500. It was another great week for bargains as the product mix continued to be bottom heavy.
At $ 2,425, the Chief O'Brien costume was the weeks top costume. These always look good, as the gold is really set off by the black costume. This was the early, Voyager style, so I feel this went high.
Also at $ 2,425 was the Q as Borg /Crosis from "Descent" costume. A nice costume, this went higher than previous TNG style Borg costumes, most likely due to the Q connection. I like these better than the foam and latex movie style ones. And I am sure this will display well on a mannequin.
The Two Piece Geordi LaForge Uniform with Rank went for a reaosnable $ 2,071. The rank sets this apart, as we don't often see these with it, and Geordi is a popular character, so I think this buyer did well.
IAW should note that the Klingon homeworld is spelled Qo'noS, not Kronos, which is the phonetic pronunciation.
A First Contact Command red Uniform went for a very reasonable $ 910 to longtime bidder jeddi007.
Finally an interesting lot was the Prototype Starfleet Uniform Undershirt Lot. At $ 613, forum member Chris did very well for a unique piece of Star Trek history. These undershirts had straight turtlenecks, not the quilted ones we are used to seeing.
The Props:
Ho hum, more Genesis Microorganisms. At $ 565 though, less than $ 100 each. Spread them around as party favors.
The MACO Hand Scanner - Static was a great deal at only $ 338. I almost bid on this and would have been a very happy camper at this price. But it wound up going to forum member Jamie, who is a happy collector indeed!
Finally, I loved the Star Trek Teapot and think it was a STEAL at $ 270. I was surprised more people didn't go after this. A very cool piece that is even practical.
Best Costume of the Week: The Q as Borg /Crosis from "Descent" costume at $ 2,425 was the nicest is a lame week of costumes!
Best Prop of the Week: One of the worst weeks ever for props, so the MACO Hand Scanner - Static at only $ 338 wins the award this week!
Best Buy of the week: The Star Trek Teapot was a STEAL at $ 270.
Worst Buy of the week: None! Keep up the good work!
Sleeper of the Week: The Vulcan Priestess costume at $ 364
Star Trek: DS9 Chief O'Brien costume at $ 2,425
Star Trek: TNG Q as Borg /Crosis from "Descent" costume at $ 2,425
Star Trek: TNG Two Piece Geordi LaForge Uniform with Rank at $ 2,071
Star Trek: Enterprise Phase Pistol and Holster at $ 1,200
Star Trek: VI Klingon Kronos 1 Phaser Blast Victom Lot at $ 988
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