So I am trying to get a bunch of blogs up this week. To start I want to let those of you who dealt with It's a Wrap that Colin Warde, the one guy at IAW who really went out of his way for us collectors, that he is doing well and living in Oklahoma. He now has a son, who is about 1 year old. I spoke with Colin the other day and he sounded very happy.
There is actually a growing film business in Oklahoma (seems every state wants a a bite of that apple!) and Colin is keeping busy doing a lot of different things for different publications.

If you are on Facebook, you can say hi to Colin at his page. We all owe Colin a debt of thanks, as Colin kept many of us from going crazy dealing with the total lack of communication from anyone else. Colin would spend an hour on the phone with you talking about Star Trek, and he was always available to help solve a problem.
We wish Colin continued good fortune!
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