Well, most of my collecting friends will tell you I don't collect replicas. But there are exceptions. The TOS Master Replicas versions are the best in the business. I own all four that they produced for Star Trek TOS; the Phaser, Communicator, Tricorder and Klingon Disruptor. They all are made of metal and plastic (the Phaser is really heavy.....just like you would expect a real Phaser to be) and incredibly detailed. There have simply never been anything close, and they even light up and make sound.
Plus, they are beautifully presented on impressive bases with clear plexi cases. So they display very well.
I remember having these on my mantle in Atlanta and after a dinner party for three couple I knew, we all were drinking in my TV room and the guys started taking the props down and playing with them, amazed at how detailed they were and how they were just like one might expect the real thing to be. Of course one of the wives said "Can you boys put down the toys and sit down!" We were having too much fun.

You can find these on eBay, search "Master Replicas" and "Star Trek". The Phaser will set you back about $ 1,000, being the most popular of the lot. There are also William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy autograph versions, but that just means you get a plate with their autograph. Not so impressive, save your money as they cost more.
The Communicator is in the $ 400-500 range. And the Tricorder is in the $ 500-600 range.
I highly recommend them as they really are the pinnacle of Star Trek collecting.

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