WOW! After a few really mediocre weeks of auctions, this week is probably the best we have seen so far. A ton of movie costumes from ST: TMP and important character costumes from Worf, Picard, Riker and Data, as well as re-listed costumes where the sale never closed between the buyer and IAW.
In addition, there are 125 lots this week rather than the usual 100. It's a Wrap has said they are trying to get more auctions listed every week, and so we shall see how, if at all, this affects prices.
With so much stuff to review, I am breaking this week's previews up into three posts. First I will deal with the re-listed costumes from previous weeks and the Next Gen costumes, then tomorrow I will preview the Star Trek: The Motion Picture costumes, and finally, the day after, everything else.

The first is the Casual Kirk from the beginning of Star Trek II:TWOK. This one went for $ 5,700 last time, but it is only at $ 2,000 so far. This one should go over $ 4,000 at least as it is an important costume from the best Trek movie ever.
The second is the Commando Spock which went for $ 4,292. A pretty sharp costume, this one should do well again.
PAY ATTENTION TO THESE TWO. I think there might be a good value with these. The Kirk under $ 5,000 or the Spock under $ 4,000 are good deals.

The third costume to be re-listed is the Captain Kirk Commando Stunt costume is a beauty. If you want a Kirk and don't care that Shatner didn't wear this, then this one could be a good deal. Especially with all the great costumes this week, this will be a good week to find bargains.
Finally, the Klingon Costume that Neelix wore in the Star Trek: Voyager Episode "The Killing Game" is up again for sale again. Now this is a great costume because not only is it a highly sought after Klingon costume, but it was used by a main character. It went for $4,217 last time, so I think this will go at least $3,500 this time around.
These are great costumes, but it should be very interesting to see where they go this time, without the fraudulent bidder budding things up. This might actually work to It's a Wrap's advantage as the new bidders who have come in might bid these up. on the other hand, there are so many great costumes this week, they might go cheap.

OK, so what are the great new costumes this week? Well, let's start off with all the Next Generation costumes at the top of the bidding. The Worf costume is by far getting the most interest right now. At $2,800 it is this high because it has both rank pips AND a communicator and we haven't seen this before. That makes this costume more complete than any other we have seen. This will go well over $3,000 I think.

The Picard however, is the less desirable "Voyager" style from Star Trek Generations, and this is why it is going less than the Riker. Still, it is a Picard and will go around $3,000 - 3,500 where the other captain's costumes do.
There is also Data's underwater costume from Star Trek: Insurrection. This is cool because it is assignable to a specific scene in a specific movie. This is kind of low now, but i am sure this will top $ 2,000 (unless people are worried it won't display well because of water damage, which is not apparent).

The Borg costume at $ 1,225 is pretty nice. These are entirely made of latex, so you have to deal with the deterioration issues, but these have been going in the $ 2,300 range and a good deal because they are so iconic. Everyone knows the Borg! This comes with boots too.

I am not sure if the Starfleet Admiral costume is a re-list, as this looks like the one that went a couple of week's ago. Either way, these are interesting costumes, though I really don't like them in comparison with later Admiral's costumes. This is at $ 660 and this could get lost in the plethora of great costumes this week.
There is a nice black and gold jumpsuit worn by “Lieutenant Farrell” (Dendrie Taylor), who we saw in the TNG episode "Phantasms" and again in Generations where she assisted Geordi in engineering and with the evacuation of children when the saucer was being seperated. Check out this character's info at Memory Alpha. If you are looking for one of these, this is a good place to get a deal.
The "Dr. Soran" costume is pretty sharp as well, and a significant piece! It is only at $ 227.50 right now and should go under $ 1,000, and if you are lucky, maybe even around $ 600-800.
I also love the Nemesis Starfleet Band Uniform from the wedding scene! Pretty cool. If you are a musician, this is for you! At $ 202, I think this will go cheap, and will be a great piece for someone on a budget.
I should also point out the Insurrection Son'a Officer uniform which is CHEAP at $ 127. Not that it comes with a second jumpsuit as well as boots, a head piece and gloves. This is a sleeper for sure!
Tomorrow I will tackle the huge number of Star Trek: The Motion Picture costumes up for auction!
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