That's right, the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Blog has passed 2,000 unique visitors! (I use Google Analytics which is free and quite amazing).
Thank you to everyone who is a loyal reader, or who just stops by once in a while. Also, the Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum is a big hit! We have 76 members at the moment and we have a great, well mannered, informative group. The Forum is fun, well moderated (we don't tolerate the usual board nonsense) and there is an excellent exchange of information. We even have our own resident savant, Jorg, who can pinpoint the episode any prop you have appeared in. He is quite amazing.
I am working on the Preview for Week 23, which will be up tonight. Just got back yesterday from the UK, and I think I am over my jet lag (thanks to sleeping 5 hours on the plane!).
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