"Mirror Universe" week was definitely a hit having many fine costumes that were certainly centerpiece items for many collections.
The highets item sold was the beautiful Travis Mayweather EV suit.
which went for $ 7,852. This was the second highest costume sold so far behind the Spock Space Suit, which went for $ 10,100, and the third highest item overall. This costume was shown in "In a Mirror, Darkly, Part I" and "Part II", during the initial scenes on the Defiant. Rumor has it that the Hoshi Space Suit like this is still available at IAW.
The T'Pol, NX-09 Avenger two piece costume is the second highest item at $ 5,250. This was a great costume, though it didn't have the belt, and had shoulder boards that weren't part of the costume in the show. T'Pol did look great in this one! (Well, she looks great in anything).
The Mirror Universe Klingon Costume went for $ 3,253, which is the highest Klingon Costume so far of this type. It was nice, but only the left chest badge differentiates it from previous versions. Again no boots, which has been the way almost all of the Klingon costumes have gone.
The Terran Empire MACO complete outfit went for exactly $ 3,000, which is in line with what the regular version went for 2 weeks ago at $ 2,950. At least there is some consistency here. What is great is that you really get a complete outfit this way, with all parts of the uniform and accessories. IAW has done a nice job with these lots.

I won the Gul Elim Garak which was sort of a Holy Grail of mine. I paid $ 2,950 for it and was prepared to go higher. I love this one because Garak is my favorite Star Trek character of all time and I also wanted a Cardassian costume, and so now I have both. In the past I have been outbid on both the Garak costumes that I wanted that have come up, and so it was nice to snag this one. A special thanks to those Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forum members who didn't bid on this, knowing I wanted it badly. I owe you!
The Sirella costume was a great deal at $ 2,550. I actually gave this my Sleeper of the Week because I think people don't realize how beautiful this costume is! Check out the photos and the detailing that this has. My friend Jim went after this (and thankfully stepped aside on my Garak!) and I think Jim has a truly amazing costume that would be the pride of many collections!
The distressed Starship Defiant costume went for a surprisingly high $ 2,125. I really can't see why and I think someone really overpaid on this one. Especially since the other one went for $ 760!

The Terran Empire Fleet Admiral Gardner was a nice piece and went for $ 2,026. Being that it is a Mirror Universe piece, it is certainly rarer than the others of this type, and warranted a higher price.
The two piece Terran Empire female costume went for $ 1,900 to my buddy Grant as well. He really wanted this one and I don't blame him. These costume are sharp.
The Hoshi Sato "Captian's Woman" costume went for $ 1,891. Now I just have to say, this is glorified Lingerie! I like displaying my costumes, so this one wouldn't make the cut with me!

The Mirror universe Dr. Phlox was not the main one he wore through most of the "In a Mirror Darkly" episodes. He did wear it at the end of Part II though and went for $ 1,265. It is none the less memorable and similar enough to be identifiable.
The blue sciences Avenger Terran Empire jumpsuit was actually Gary Grahams, who portrayed Soval, so I think this was a great deal at $ 1,224.
The Engineering Red Avenger version went for $ 1,201 and the Terran Empire Enterprise Engineering Red version went for only $ 899.
The B'ellana Torres Maquis Pilot Costume went for $ 1,181 and I think it was a great deal. This costume combines historical significance (It is B'ellana's Maquis uniform and the first one we see her in) with great fabrics and design.
The Harry Kim racing costume at $ 1,136 is a great deal as this is a really beautiful costume that will look amazing on display. It is the second Harry Kim, which is interesting considering how short a period of time Harry was wearing it in the episode!
Other costume of note:
The Harry Kim, Garrett Wang jacket was a great deal at $ 846. The lack of a name tag in the jacket hurting this one.
The Torres Starfleet away mission costume at $ 810 was also a great deal for a first rate costume with boots!
The Vorta Yegrun costume was supposed to have been worn by Iggy Pop in "The Magnificent Ferengi" but it didn't match up. This costume was worn by a Vorta at the Peace Treaty signing in "What You Leave Behind", and went for $ 665.
The Tuvok Civilian Costume was in fact his Maquis costume from "Caretaker" and so was a steal at $ 430.
As far as props go:

The Original Series Style-Computer Console went for $ 2,365 to my good buddy Grant. I think he was trying to compensate for his beloved Ottawa Senators hockey problems. But it is an amazingly cool prop that we have seen this in many TOS episodes and it will look great on his desk.

At $ 1,337, the "Wish List" Light up PADD went true to form. Lately, these PADDs have been going around $ 1,200-1,300, so this is right in line with that.
I think the Voyager Janeway Ready Room statue at $ 1,275 is overpriced. For a piece that was not seen a great deal on screen, and has no special interest (like a sextant or a spaceship model), I think someone overpaid.

The Nemesis Type 3 Phaser Rifle went for a paltry $ 815. It was a rubber stunt version, but this is still a steal.
The Enterprise Tri-Monitor Housing went for $ 1,001 and I like this because it is rather iconic. From the Starship Defiant in "In a Mirror Darkly". All you need to do is add monitors and you have a VERY cool prop.
The Terran Empire Knife is a beauty and went for $ 401, which I think is a good deal on a very cool prop. What is important is that this is metal, and you don't see that many metal versions of bladed props because of safety reasons.
The Original Series Style Phaser went for a whopping $ 495! So you are basiclaly paying $ 475 to be able tro say you have a screen used version of a $ 20 toy. Hmmm. Not sure I am crazy about that idea.
Three Voyager Astrometric Background Panels went for $ 510, one went for $ 810 and $ 1,154 for my favorite, the Eagle Nebula one. Well, i think that last one was way high, though let's face it, that is the most famous astronomical image of the last 30 years.
Best Costume of the Week: Travis Mayweather EV suit. Is there any question?
Best Prop of the Week: The Original Series Style-Computer Console at $ 2,365. An awesome piece!
Best Buy of the week: The B'ellana Torres Maquis Pilot Costume at $ 1,181. Important costume that looks great!
Worst Buy of the week: The distressed Starship Defiant costume went for $ 2,125 while one just like it sold for $ 760!
Sleeper of the Week: The Sirella costume at $ 2,550 was an awesome buy!
Star Trek: Enterprise Travis Mayweather EV suit. $ 7,852
Star Trek: Enterprise The T'Pol, NX-09 Avenger two piece costume $ 5,250.
Star Trek: DS9 Mirror Universe Klingon Costume $ 3,253
Star Trek: Enterprise Terran Empire MACO $ 3,000
Star Trek: DS9 Gul Elim Garak $ 2,950
And make sure you check out the new Star Trek Prop, Costume and Auction Forums, the best way to make sure you get the best info on the IAW auctions!
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