On to the auctions.......
So for this week there is a war going on for a hot T'Pol costume, a bunch of nice ST:TMP background costumes and a bunch of starship consoles from different races!
The T'Pol jumpsuit is already at $ 9,190, which is INSANE for one of

The Admiral Cartwright costume lot is nice, but the jacket is wrong. Check out the pictures from Star Trek IV and VI. Both clearly show a gold stripe along the jacket, which is not present in this lot. The costume is already at $ 3,000, making it the highest priced maroon so far. The pieces that go with this costume are certainly rare and driving the price here.

The Spock class D uniform is from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. This one is pretty recognizable because of the Mandarin collar that was unique to Spock's costume. None the less, this doesn't have a starfleet badge, but does have an unattached bio-monitor buckle.
The Travis Mayweather costume is nice in that it has a rank pip, which we are just now starting to see on costumes. The last one of these went for a crazy $ 4,606. Who knows where this one will go. I think a $ 2,000 price is reasonable.

The White Radiological Suit is distressed and yet already at $ 900. These have been going around $ 1,300-1,500 when not distressed.
There are two Enterprise jumpsuits currently just under $ 900. These have gone around $ 1,000 pretty consistently and I think these should not go much higher, unless there are new bidders coming in and driving the prices up.
The USS Relativity costume is a beauty. I love this style as others obviously do as the last one went for $ 2,027! This one should do about the same. It even has a set of Captain's rank.
The Admiral Janeway costume from "Endgame": is a stunt version, not used by Kate Mulgrew. Hers went at Christies. This one does have rank and comm badge though which is cool. It is already at $ 787 and will probably go well over $ 2,000 and could go close to $ 3,000.

The Sulu Commando costume will be a good buy for anyone trying to complete a Star Trek V collection, but other than that I am not crazy about it. No belt, but it does have the rare boots.
There are a bunch of Star Trek:The Motion Picture costumes. I won't go over each of them as there are no hero costume (outside of the aforementioned Spock), but there are a bunch of nice ones, complete or just the tops. all of them are good looking and I think highly underrated.
The Malcolm Reed Away Jacket is cool. Different and interesting, I think this one could be a good deal. It is only at $ 232 right now, so will be surprised if this goes over $ 1,000.
As far as props go:
The Voyager Starfleet Compression Rifle is the high prop at the moment at $ 1,136. I paid $ 3,000

The Starfleet Type III, Mark II Phaser Rifle is like one that sold last month for $ 2,600. These are nice, but not as cool as the Mark III which was used in Insurrection primarily. None the less, this is a nice piece.
The Enterprise console is beautiful and I was going to go after it, but a friend wanted it, so I backed off. The detail is great on this piece. This isn't as big as some of the other consoles, so the shipping shouldn't be that bad.

Now the Klingon Console is at $ 765 and very cool. The problem with large items like this is the shipping, which can be as much as the item! But the weathering on these makes these very cool and very Klingon!
The Romulan Console is not quite as desirable as the other two, but only at $ 515, so may go at a reasonable price. This one is from Enterprise.

The Spock mindmeld model piece doesn't do it for me. It is very recognizable, but desirable? Not sure.
The Smashed Enterprise D model is the one that Picard smashes in "First Contact". It is only at $ 530, but I can easily see this thing going for $ 1,500 or more. It is a pretty significant prop.
The Klingon Electronic Device is interesting, though I am not sure what it is! It does work though and so that makes it a bit cool. It is at $ 520 now and should go under $ 1,000.
You got to love the Starship Defiant Original Series Style Chair is cool. Who doesn't love these? At $ 510, this could easily jump up late as it is so iconic.
Finally, there is a Reman Rifle that has two working lights. At only $ 459 now, it should go about $ 1,200 a sit is pretty nice. I just got one of these and they are beautiful.
Well, good luck all and happy hunting!
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