The Enterprise T'Pol costume from "A Night in Sickbay" is currently at $ 4,000. Ok, here we are with another T'Pol auction and this one is already at $ 4,000. It doesn't seem to be the same two bidders, but who knows. Not as desireable as last week's offering, it is none the less a nice costume. I don't see this breaking $ 6,000 (but I said that last week).
The Enterprise Sub Commander T'Pol civilian costume is at $ 2,550. This will probably go for less than the above costume as it isn't quite as desirable. Still nice though.
The Captain Sisko Starfleet Uniform is the commando style vest we first saw in First Contact on Captain Picard. Currently at $ 1,822, one of these sold in the first month or two of the auctions at $ 3,100. This will probably go for $ 3,500 - 4,500. It is very nice and probably the only other copy of this style.
Lt. Reed's Starfleet Uniform is only at $ 865, and I see this going in the $ 1,600-1,800 range, similar to the Mayweather of last week. Now the last one of these went for $ 3,605, but that was in a week where Enterprise uniforms were going at crazy prices.

The Crewman Elizabeth Cutler is a fourth season jumpsuit and therefore very desirable for the epaulets and Starfleet Command patch. Currently at $ 643, this should go around $ 1,200-1,300 and I would not be surprised if higher.
The "Stron" Carbon Creek costume is another from this popular episode. They have been going in the $ 450-600 price range. This one is already at $ 550. These are a great deal because of how nice they are and they display very well.

The Worf Mok'Bara top is one of the lone TNG costumes. At $ 510, it is almost at the $ 535 that the last one of these went for. This is a good way to get a Worf if you are on a budget, as this is very recognizable.
The Primary Sphere Builder costume is the latest costume from this group we have seen. The last two were regular versions and went for $ 598 and $ 708. I won one of them and can tell you they are really beautiful. The foam appliqués have deteriorated a bit in places, but they are great costumes.
The Bashir Sciences Starfleet Uniform is the popular black and gray style and is distressed with a very cool phaser wound in the shoulder. Currently at $ 410, this may go cheap, and I think this particular distressing enhances the costume. Look here for a good deal.

You have to love the Klingon Chancellor costume from Enterprise! At only $ 360 right now, this could go under $ 1,000 easily and be a great deal. It could also go close to $ 1,500 because of the importance of the character.
The Major Kira Bajoran Uniform is distressed, but will be popular none the less. Kira has a huge following and these usually go high. The distressing should moderate that fact and this should go around $ 1,000 - 1,200.
Well, I am bushed from a tough week and I hope this info helps! I will post some of Jorg's famous errors and additions in the AM.
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