While this is the 79th week of auctions, It is titled Week 88 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
Note that there were 3 items in Week 87 according to Burt, but I am rolling that into Week 88. Not going to do a blog on 3 items!
The Captain Archer Uniform was a great deal at $5,100 as it came with rank pins and boots. We rarely see Captain's uniforms so complete. And $ 5,100 is about as cheap as you can expect to get
The DS9 Colonel Kira Bajoran Militia Costume went for a reasonable $ 3,447. I think there are way better looking Kira's, but none the less, this came with boots a holster and pins, so not a bad deal.
The Star Trek V Sybok Costume went for a healthy $ 2,551. This was the best of the Sybok's we have seen so far and had all the pieces. Star Trek Prop Forum old timer Aaron Carlson, the man with the largest STar Trek V collection in the known universe, won this costume to go with his other Star Trek V goodies.
The Star Trek: The Motion Picture Brown Collared Class A Costume at $ 848 was a good deal on a very cool costume. These costumes will only go up in value as they are really overlooked.
The Props:
The Enterprise Half Missle at $ 2,304 was pretty cool. Mount this on your wall and impress your friends when they visit your home theater! (Not as cool as Daryl's whole missile, the only one IAW has sold so far as I know.
The Rounded Borg Interface Panel at $ 1,251 was just about the same exact price as the last one that sold. Not bad, and fairly interesting. Reasonable at this price.
The Star Trek III Pair of Genesis Organisms went for a very strong $ 1,225, more than double what a similar (or maybe the same) set went for last time. Of course, these are rubber, but they seem to have held up well.
I was very happy to win the Romulan Wall Flat from Enterprise at $ 866. I really wanted it to use as a back drop for my Romulan costume, and I think I won it at a good price.
Best Costume of the Week: The Captain Archer Uniform at $5,100 was the cream of the crop.
Best Buy of the week: The Tom Paris Starfleet uniform lot was a STEAL at $ 1,185!
Worst Buy of the week: None! Good job all!
Sleeper of the Week: At $ 610 the UFP table was a great deal!
Star Trek: Enterprise Captain Archer Uniform at $5,100
Star Trek: DS9 Colonel Kira Bajoran Militia Costume at $ 3,447.
Star Trek: V Sybok Costume at $ 2,551
Star Trek: Enterprise Half Missle at $ 2,304
Star Trek: Voyager Rounded Borg Interface Panel at $ 1,251
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