While this is the 83nd week of auctions, It is titled Week 92 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
There were 96 items this week, with 85% props. Only 6 items topped $ 1,000 and total sales for the week were $ 28,437. Long gone are the days when IAW would regularly top $ 100,000 a week.
Buyer fatigue is in full swing. Conversations with my buddies on the Star Trek Prop Forum about the week's offerings are rarer and we all are being very careful what we spend money on. Bargain hunting is the order of the day.
Lingering problems with customer service are fewer, and seem to be resolved after a call to Colin. I get an email every two weeks or so asking for IAW's phone # or Colin's email, since contacting Dom is pointless. I know a few buyers who still need to resort to filing PayPal disputes to get Dom to actually answer an email. The slower IAW activity, along with most people knowing that Colin is the guy who gets things resolved, has lead to fewer and fewer complaints. I know Jason White from Moviepropking.com finally got an item that he has been missing for the past year!
The Star Trek III/IV Admiral Kirk Costume Lot went strong at $ 2,900. Just a short and pants, it is none theless very recognizable and someone was able to add the beloved James T Kirk to their collection!
The Nemesis Style Romulan Fleet Officer Costume went very high at $ 1,550. This one had neither the harness nor the Romulan Empire resin pin for the neckline. Previously these have gone for between $ 480 and $ 810, so this is a significant jump, and not a wise investment at
Is there a shill bidder again? We had huge issues with shill bidding earlier in this year and last year, and some people even felt it was IAW doing so. There is a zero feedback bidder again, bidding up costumes, so please watch out.
That was the case with the Starfleet Sciences Blue Dress Uniform, which went for a very strong $ 1,483 to forum stalwart Donna. On the high side, but not out of bounds for a uniform that a lot of people really like.
The Saavik Starfleet Uniform Lot at $1,176 was pretty reasonable. A cool costume, for my favorite Saavik, Robin Curtis. She was smoking hot and I really liked her take on the character. This is pretty distinct. pair it with some Starfleet Uniform trousers and you have a great display!
The Future Starfleet Gold Operations Uniform, which was from Voyager's finale Endgame went for a reasonable $ 911. I happen to love this style of uniform and have all four colors myself.
The Props:
The Voyager Starfleet Scanner was a working prop that lit up. Always favs with collectors, this was a nice metal version. At $ 1,030, it was fairly priced. However, lots of props like this are going WAY less these day, so watch out for the bargain props if you are looking for something.
The Klingon Bat'Leth from Marauders went for a respectable $ 1,025. It just needs a little repair where the tips have broken off.
I think the Medical Scanner from "Things Past" and "Extreme Measures" went for a very reasonable $ 647. This one is a light up prop and we saw it at Vegas, where IAW had it displayed. Kind of cool and worth the money I think.
Best Costume of the Week: The Star Trek III/IV Admiral Kirk Costume Lot at $ 2,900 was weak in my opinion, but still a Kirk!
Best Prop of the Week: The Starfleet Medical Travel Kit was pretty nice and reasonably priced at $ 871.
Best Buy of the week: The Feature Film Vulcan Priestess Costume at $ 357 was a steal for a beautiful costume!
Worst Buy of the week: None! Good job all!
Sleeper of the Week: The Andorian Energy Carbine at $ 335. Granted it was rubber, but what a deal!
Star Trek: III/IV Admiral Kirk Costume Lot at $ 2,900
Star Trek: Nemesis Romulan Fleet Officer Costume at $ 1,550.
Star Trek: Movie Starfleet Sciences Blue Dress Uniform at $ 1,483
Star Trek: III Saavik Starfleet Uniform Lot at $ 1,176
Star Trek: Voyager Starfleet Scanner at $ 1,030
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