While this is the 82nd week of auctions, It is titled Week 91 to be consistent with the Star Trek Auctions Archive.
There were only 56 items this week, with a mixture of costumes and props. Only 5 items broke the $ 1,000 mark. A lot of this is due to the ho-hum nature of teh costume selection. Two very good costumes and then a bunch of background costumes. Starfleet uniforms are hanging in the $ 700-900 range, which is a bargain I think.
It seems week in, week out, there are a lot of items in the $ 400-500 range, which I think is an indication of people's disposable income at any given time.
I hope Colin isn't getting to worn out!
The Costumes
I won the Enterprise Terran Empire Starship Avenger Female Uniform at $ 2,247 to go with the male version I won last year. These are very popular (probably because of the way women look in them!) and the distinctive style makes them look great on display.
The First Contact Lt. Daniels Operations Gold Jumpsuit at $ 1,012 was about right on target. These are great looking uniforms, that look great on display, especially in Operations gold.
After that, a group of Voyager, TNG and Enterprise costumes went in the $ 700-900 range, showing just how soft the market is.
My buddy (and Star Trek prop Forum member) Josef from Austria won the Mayweather Stunt Desert Uniform as he needed this style for his collection, and it was a steal at $ 685. It gets my deal of the week. The Props:
The Enterprise D Replimat LCARS went for $ 1,205. It is interesting each week how many items fail to hit $ 1,500. Seems $ 1,200 is a price people are comfortable spending. This was an Ok piece with food selections on the graphic. I think every TNG fan needs a good LCARS in their collection!
A Nemesis Data Wig went for only $ 330, which I think is an awesome deal!
Forum member Lyn stole a Klingon Banner at $ 305 to add to her collection.
Trip's Hamonica from "Northstar" went for only $ 305 and was a great deal t that price. Prop prices are falling as the market is totally saturated. Thsi was a great deal.
Finally, the Recurring Medical Prop from "Homeward" was seen a lot in TNG and other series and at $ 229 was a steal. It needs some serious restoration, but is a very visible prop.
Best Costume of the Week: The Terran Empire Starship Avenger Female Uniform at $ 2,247 was very cool.
Best Prop of the Week: The Recurring Medical Prop from "Homeward" was the best in a poor week of props.
Best Buy of the week: How I fell asleep and missed Trip's Hamonica from "Northstar" at only $ 305, I don't know! What a deal for a piece that I think personifies the good 'ole boy!
Worst Buy of the week: None! Good job all!
Sleeper of the Week: The Recurring Medical Prop from "Homeward" at $ 229 was a steal even though it needs some serious restoration.
Star Trek: Voyager The Doctor Starfleet Uniform at $ 2,700
Star Trek: Enterprise Terran Empire Starship Avenger Female Uniform at $ 2,247
Star Trek: TNG Enterprise D Replimat LCARS at $ 1,205
Star Trek: Enterprise Starfleet Gold Uniform Jumpsuit at $ 1,200
Star Trek: First Contact Lt. Daniels Operations Gold Jumpsuit at $ 1,012
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